Due to security updates, we are no longer accepting non-secure FTP or Email connections to our servers.


FTP Configuration

If you receive the following message (or similar) ...

"Connection failed.
Sorry, cleartext sessions and weak ciphers are not accepted on this server.
Please reconnect using TLS security mechanisms."

... when trying to connect to our FTP server, you will need to update the Encryption option to "TLS/SSL Explicit encryption" within the connection details on your FTP client to connect securely.

PLEASE NOTE: Implicit FTP is not supported by our hosting platform (cPanel).


Email Configuration

If you receive the following message (or similar) ...

"[AUTH] Plaintext authentication disallowed on non-secure (SSL/TLS) connections."

... when connecting to our mail servers via SMTP, POP3 or IMAP, you will need to update the configuration so it connects via a secure connection (SSL or TLS).

Our email SSL ports are as follows:

  • 465 - SMTP (SSL)
  • 995 - POP3 (SSL)
  • 993 - IMAP (SSL)

Friday, April 5, 2024

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