We've doubled our bandwidth on all our hosting packages - your hosting package now has the potential of being seen by double the amount of visitors.
We have added the new "Unblock IP Address" feature to your "Support" tab. This will enable you to unblock your own IP address rather than requesting the process.
As part of our ongoing security improvements, we have disabled non-SSL traffic to our cpanel and webmail services. To gain access to your control panel, please use /cpanel instead of :2082 (e.g. equiphase.net/cpanel) To gain access to your webmail, please use /webmail instead of :2095 (e.g. equiphase.net/webmail) If you are a reseller, and ... Read More »
As part of our improvements, we have made some small changes to our web addresses.
Our billing and support system has moved from www.equiphaseclients.net to my.equiphase.net.